Sunday, September 27, 2009

Carpinteria Triathlon

They are both over.

Each year I do the Santa Barbara and the Carpinteria Sprint Triathlons.

These are my "major" two races of the year.

The rest of the time I just like to have fun and work out with friends.

I get asked yearly if I am going to do the Olympic distance and I say no, the Sprint.

I like this distance.  It is fun.  It is achievable.  I don't stress out about it.

One day I might step up to the next level.  I know I could do it if I really wanted to.

I don't mind swimming in the ocean, truth be told I love it.  It is calming and refreshing.

The bike is fun too, flying down the road, drying off from the swim, enjoying the fresh air.

The run is heavy.  Heavy legs, heavy hill, but by this time the distance game is in my favor.

The game I play is when the swim has not began yet, I tell myself that it usually lasts 12 minutes and I can do anything for 12 minutes.

Then when the swim is over, I play the game that I am 1/3 finished with the race.

Then when the bike is over, I am in the home stretch.  Plus I like seeing that only a few other bikes are already racked in my section. 

Then on the run, when I am wondering why I sign up for these things, I realize that I am almost finished and will be celebrating my athletic accomplishment earlier than some of my friends have even woken up...well I used to be able to write that but now most have kids and do their own Sprint Triathlons every day...

But then is it over and it is gorgeous out and I am proud of myself and feel righteous. 

The least fun part is the night before when I seriously question myself and why I signed up...but I get through it.

Year after year.  Maybe next year will be the Olympic distance...I always say that after the race, when the endorphins are still kicking...we will see.