Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Santa Barbara Real Estate Statistics 10/31 - 11/6

New Listings: 48

Price Improvements: 46 

Pending: 32 breaks down to:
     Under $600k: 13
     $600-800k: 6
     $800k-1 million: 5
     $1-2 million: 4
     $2-4 million: 2
     $4-8 million: 0
     $8 million+: 0

Closed: 21 breaks down to:
     Under $600k: 9
     $600-800k: 6
     $800k-1 million: 2
     $1-2 million: 1
     $2-4 million: 1
     $4-8 million: 1
     $8 million+: 1

Off Market (expired, canceled, withdrawn):  40

Back On Market: 13

Monday, November 7, 2011

Buy vs. Rent

Being a homeowner is more than just having a roof over your heard.  Home ownership instills a feeling of comfort, security, stability and pride.

However, in addition to these important benefits are substantial social benefits for families, communities, and the country as a whole.  A few of these benefits are:

Higher Academic Achievement
More Cohesive Communities
Better Connected Families
Improved Health & Safety
Stronger Economy

Higher Education
One of the most important social benefits of home ownership is how it affects the children and their academic achievement.  Several studies show that there is direct correlation between home ownership and educational achievements.  Time and time again, it has been proven that home owners are more involved in their children's lives, especially when it comes to schooling.  Better social outcomers arise as parents provide a more supportive environment for their children.

Another benefit is that home owners tend to move less often than renters.  This stability adds to a child's success in school.  A study by the New York Federal Reserve Bank found that "though home ownership raises educational outcomes for children, neighborhood stability further enhances the positive outcome.

More Cohesive Communities
Home owners tend to stay in their homes longer than renters.  They also spend more money to improve their home and are more engaged in enhancing the community.  Simpy put, home owners care more and take more action. Which leads to nice neighborhoods, stronger communities and more overall involvement in civic duties. 

Better Connected Communities
Along with being more involved in their communities, home owners are more active and connected to their own families.  Volunteering at schools, coaching athletic teams, becoming a scout or troop leader are just some of the types of activities home owners are active in.  Throw in simple things like family game night and your home becomes the perfect setting for a more- connected, happier family.

Improve Health & Safety
Home owners are happier and healthier than non-owners.  In fact, one study found that people who recently became home owners reported higher life satisfaction, higher self esteem, and higher perceived control over their lives.  In addition to being more satisfied with their own personal situation than renters, home owners also enjoy better physical and psychological health.  Home owners have a  financial stake in the value of their home.  Therefore, owners have more incentive to deter crime by forming and implementing voluntary crime preventation programs.  Home ownership also contributes to stable communities, and stable neighborhoods contribute to reduced crime rates.

Stronger Economy
Being a home owner also has a positive economic impact in your neighborhood, your town, your city and even on a national level.   That's because home ownership creates jobs:  remodeling, landscaping, lawn and pool service, furniture and appliances, home improvement, real estate services.  The list goes on and on.  In fact, each home purchase generates as much as $60,000 of economic activity in the local and surrounding area.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thrive Westside Neighborhood Initiative: Creating a Better Westside Together

  • Do you live on Santa Barbara's Westside?
  • Do you have children in a Westside school?
  • Do you work or volunteer on the Westside?
  • Do you want to see a better Westside with excellent schools and vibrant neighborhoods?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please join Just Communities in the Thrive Westside Neighborhood Initiative.

Thrive Westside is a concentrated effort to ensure the success of every child and every family on the Westside.  The centerpiece of Thrive Westside is a collaboration between Harding University Partnership School, McKinley Elementary School, La Cumbre Jr. High, San Marcos High School, Just Communities, numerous local foundations, local nonprofit organizations people who live, work, and go to school on Santa Barbara's Westside.  This collaboration is designed to improve Westside Schools and strengthen Westside neighborhoods.

This November through December, Just Communities & Thrive Westside will engage 100-150 people who live, work, go to school, or send their children to schools, on the Westside in a "Dialogue to Action" process. Through this process, they will build a shared vision for the Westside and create concrete action plans to make their vision a reality.

At the end of the dialogue process, all participants will come together for a one-day "Action Summit."  There, they will share ideas, prioritize strategies, and develop finalize their action plans.  The One Nation Foundation has generously donated $10,000 to help community members fund the neighborhood improvement strategies they agree upon during the Summit.

To register on-line, click one of the following links:  

Register On-Line in English 

Register On-Line in Spanish 

To learn more, download the attached information packet containing a flier, registration form, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) - also attached in English & Spanish.  You can also access these files on-line at:

Finally, we are holding bilingual (Spanish & English) information sessions on the following dates/times:

  • UCSB Gevirtz School of Education (Conference Room #4108): Wednesday, October 12th 12:15pm to 1:00pm  
  • La Cumbre Jr. High School:  Wednesday, October 12th 6:00pm to 6:45pm (free childcare provided)  
  • La Cumbre Jr. High School:  Thursday, October 13th 6:00pm to 6:45pm (free childcare provided)

You can also contact Daniel Elenes at or 805-966-2063.