Friday, March 12, 2010

Love Mikana: Earth Day

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You Say It's Your Earth Day,
It's Our Earth Day, Too

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here's what we love about Santa Barbara: we're kicking off Earth Day, 2010 (on April 17-18) with a preview party at Carr Winery a whole month before (on March 16).  Yes, please!
Next Tuesday night from 6-9pm, Green Drinks is collaborating with Weekend Hippie and Loa Tree to give us an awesome eco-affair - complete with live music by Spencer the Gardener; appetizers from Isla Vista Co-Op, Duo Catering, Cardena’s Fresh Fish, and Tom Shepherd from Shepherd Farms; and wine by Carr.  The suggested $5 donation at the door goes directly to the Community Environmental Council, and the good times show just how great Earth Day's gonna be.

Happy Earth Day to you.


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