Thursday, September 9, 2010

Save The Date: The Community Environmental Council's Green Gala!

Please join me in supporting the Community Environmental Council's Green Gala 2010.  Even if Gala's aren't your "thing" please consider making a donation to this very important non-profit of which I am also a board member.  Our future depends on it.  Thank you,  Elizabeth

You are cordially invited to attend the eco-chic party of the season as we celebrate the Community Environmental Council’s 40th Anniversary! 

Our party for the planet begins as you enter a tree-filled enchanted Celtic forest, replete with wood nymphs, fairies and satyrs. Make your way down the moss-filled path to the clearing in the woods, where fairy elixirs await and the music of Palmer Jackson, Jr., Cord Pereira and John Simpson enchants.

A fabulous dinner inspired by local farmers and vintners follows. Over the top, decadent desserts will be the piéce de resistance. Anamazing live auction, fabulous entertainment and prizes for greening your life all add to the magic of the evening.

Tickets are $250 per person. For more information, please view the Green Gala invitation.
For information about CEC's 40th anniversary event Kathi King at 805-963-0583 ext. 108 or

CEC would like to extend a special thank-you to event co-chairs Merryl Brown, Gay Browne and Hollye Jacobs.