June 22 & 23
We'll be there -- will you?
If you love Santa Barbara this is a meeting you shouldn't miss
After years of development, environmental analysis and public review, the Santa Barbara General Plan Update will be discussed in joint Planning Commission/City Council hearings next Tuesday June 22, 6pm, and Wednesday June 23, 1pm - 5pm in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room at 630 Garden Street.
The General Plan is important because it sets out guiding principles for growth and development for the next 30 years. It's been 20 years since the last General Plan update; next week we help determine how Santa Barbara will look in the future.
Join us in standing before the policy makers of Santa Barbara and tell them:
* I want a city designed for people, not cars
* I want to live near where I work, shop and play
* I want more efficient buildings and lower energy bills
* I want increased density downtown and around transit corridors
* I want transportation options that allow me to get out of my car
* I know we can make a more sustainable Santa Barbara
Let your voice be heard. We can make a difference.
26 W. Anapamu, secod floor, Santa Barbara, CA, 93103 | cecadmin@cecmail.org | 805.963.0583 | UNSUBSCRIBE