Cafe Buenos Aires
1316 State Street
(805) 963-0242
Tuesday May 18, 2010
What Is Green Drinks?
Every month people who work in the environmental field meet up at informal sessions known as Green Drinks.
We have a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. Come along and you'll be made welcome. It's a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there's always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organizing network.
These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for the good!
WHAT: The world-famous Green Drinks
WHEN: 6-8pm
RULE: Third Tuesday of every month
WHERE: Different each month, join the email list for reminders!
HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, or carpool
WHO: Anyone interested in the environment
WHY: Fun, contacts, info, gossip, inspiration, business and pleasure
NEW: Just go up to someone and say "are you green?", and you'll be made welcome.
STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network.
Every month in SB since 2006.
Average attendance: 75
GLOBAL: Over 600 Cities!