I wanted to share the latest news about the Top 10 Green Building Products of 2008. Feel free to click on the links below for more information.
Top 10 Green Building Products (Sustainable Industries)
From Jetson Green
Just recently, Sustainable Industries announced their list of the Top 10 Green Building Products for 2008. To get that magic number of 10 products, SI accepted roughly 80 nominations and narrowed those products down based on their ability to meet the following criteria: LEED compatibility, environmental performance, value, scalability / market impact, innovativeness, and design aesthetic. Without further ado, here are the Top 10 Green Building Products for 2008:
- Compressed Earth Blocks
- EcoTop by Kliptech
- Lamberts Channel Glass Walls
- Masa Cabinet Hardware
- MetroPaint
- Resource Monitor
- Solar Tracking Skylights
- Straw Wall by Green Design Systems
- Thermastrand Radiant Barrier Sheathing
- Salvaged Hardwood Tables